The capacity workshop for youth focuses on Data and Digital literacy, which leads us to the understanding of specific Municipal level data available to citizens. We will focus on,, and as a starting point. We will briefly touch on aspects like the IDP, Municipal Budget, and other municipal documents as well. We will also focus on email creation via Gmail as well as google drive and google suite (Docs, Sheets, Forms, basic website) and lastly, we will be showing the participants Pocket Reporter where they can Report on a matter in your community, Generate a story and Publish that story on the CBY FB page
OpenUp and Stellenbosch Municipality hosted a Data & Digital literacy workshop on the 15 June 2022. The workshop was attended by 10 youth from Stellenbosch at the Cloetesville E - Centre to learn more about data, and the available digital resources to improve their digital literacy.
Adrian Kearns of OpenUp spent the first session of the workshop engaging the youth on what Codebridge Youth is about, and why it is important as young people to engage in government and participate in processes to advance their particular needs. One could sense that the group were not aware of the participation processes, and when asked if they had ever attended an IDP Public Meeting, nobody responded. Linking this youth participation process to the importance of data, and information to make informed decisions, was critical in terms of the workshop outcomes.
In the next session, youth were introduced to a web-based application which presents municipal finance data in an easily digestible format for users. The youth thought that the Municipality had loads of money, I think these numbers relatable to their living conditions and what they had used in their personal lives, made the figures shown on municipal money seem massive. Very briefly Adrian showed them another data platform developed by OpenUp, this time using Census data and transforming it into an easily digestible format for users.