In September 2022, Cape Agulhas Municipality (CAM) in partnership with OpenUp organized a two-day workshop on data literacy and public participation. The workshop was held at the Anene Booysen Skills Development Centre in Bredasdorp. The aim of the workshop was to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to enhance their understanding of data and how it can be used to facilitate public participation in decision-making processes. Prior to the workshop, participants were provided with an overview of the agenda and expectations. Through interactive sessions and practical exercises, the workshop aimed to empower participants to engage effectively with data and promote greater citizen participation in their communities.
Cape Agulhas Municipality(CAM) and partnership with OpenUp hosted a 2 days workshop in September 2022 focusing on data literacy and public participation. The workshop was held at Anene Booysen Skills Development Centre, Bredasdorp. The aim of the workshop was to introduce the youth to the concept of public participation at a municipal level. The workshop was attended by 19 people on both days. The OpenUp team collected a pre and post workshop survey.
On the first day of the workshop, the OpenUp team shared with the youth the important role that the municipality’s IDP, municipal budget and SDBIP has on the development of the community. The focus of this session was to introduce the youth to the concept of public participation at municipal level and some of the relevant municipal reports that will assist them make informed decisions. The outcome of the session was for the youth to have a good understanding of the main municipal reports & processes that are linked to public participation and how #HereForChange can complement public participation processes at a municipal level. #HereForChange is a new web-based tool that will have information on Municipal budgets, access to contact information of municipal representatives and guides/ resources containing essential bits of information related to IDPs, SDBIPs, ward committees.
To access the workshop report click here.